My Journey Through Istanbul: From Familiar Comforts to New Adventures

A Turkish Friend ,Gem and I, in Istanbul.

When people ask why I chose Istanbul as the first destination on my trip, my answer is simple: I love Istanbul. Having visited twice before, I felt comfortable with the city and familiar with its tourist areas, making it an ideal starting point for my journey.

Choosing a city I knew well helped me ease into my new lifestyle without the added stress of navigating an unfamiliar location. This decision has proven to be a great one, as I continue to enjoy my time here.

Feeling Safe and Comfortable in Istanbul

Istanbul feels incredibly safe to me. I can walk around at 6 a.m. and midnight without feeling nervous. Despite being a major tourist destination, most visitors here are from Turkey, adding to the sense of familiarity and comfort.

Exploring Istanbul’s Rich History

Istanbul boasts some of the most amazing historical sites. From the Walls of Constantine, Hagia Sofia, and the Blue Mosque to museums housing artifacts from Troy and mosaics from Babylon, the city’s history is a fascinating journey through time. Buildings dating back to the 13th and 14th centuries are common sights, adding to the city’s historical charm.

The Friendly People of Istanbul

One of Istanbul’s greatest assets is its friendly people. While I’ve encountered a few rude individuals, the majority are welcoming and helpful. Yes, there are pushy salespeople trying to sell rugs, but that’s expected in a bustling tourist area.

Enjoying the Company of Good Friends

Having a good friend like Gem to hang out with has made my stay even more enjoyable, even if he insists on paying for everything. Thanks, Gem!

Conclusion: Why You Should Visit Istanbul

As someone who has visited Istanbul three times and spent over 30 days here, I highly recommend adding it to your travel list. Until next time, enjoy life’s journey.

Joe O’Brien

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