Journeying Through Five New Countries: My First Month Recap

Picture Inside a Cab That Got me Kicked Out

Reflecting on My First Month of Travel

So, I made it through one month of travel. The first month seems like it flew by. I’m sure I was under a bit of stress from the whole situation, but now I feel much more relaxed.

The Journey Begins: Visiting Five New Countries

However, I feel that my trip begins in earnest today. From here on, I will be visiting countries I have never been to before. In fact, I will be visiting five countries in the next 30 days. And until about thirty-five years ago, all these countries were under communist rule.

Budget Tracking: How Much Does Travel Really Cost?

Starting today, I will be keeping track of every dollar I spend. I want a realistic idea of exactly how much it costs to travel. To get the ball rolling, I probably spent about ten thousand dollars, because I had to make all my room reservations, book airfare to and from the United States, and make all my arrangements to get to each new city or country, whether by plane, train, or bus.

From Communist Rule to Modern Exploration: A Historical Travel Perspective

Exploring countries that were under communist rule until recently adds a unique historical perspective to my journey. It will be fascinating to see how these places have evolved over the years.

Facing Travel Challenges: Health Insurance and Connectivity Issues

I’ve had to deal with a few hiccups along the way. I still have trouble accessing my health insurance plan due to no fault of my own. Not having a phone makes it a little harder.

The Culinary Delights of My Travel Adventure

I’m enjoying the food and seeing how people live. It seems I really haven’t had time to just enjoy the adventure because of trying to get things situated.

Rolling with the Punches: Embracing Travel Hiccups

But I know I can’t get upset or frustrated. I’m here, and I’ll have to roll with the punches. But it’s part of what makes this an adventure. Figuring it out as I go. But isn’t that how life works?

Preparing for a Journey: Costs and Arrangements

Planning and preparing for a journey involves significant costs and meticulous arrangements. From room reservations to transportation, it all adds up quickly.

Enjoying the Adventure: Learning as I Go

Despite the challenges, I’m learning to enjoy the adventure. Each obstacle is a lesson and an integral part of the journey.

Life Lessons from the Road: Embrace the Unexpected

Until next time, enjoy life’s journey. Embrace the unexpected and find joy in every moment of your travels.

Joe O’Brien

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