Why You Might Not Need a Power Converter for Your Electronics Abroad

If you’ve ever traveled to Europe, you’re probably aware that they use a different type of electricity and plug. Some of your electronics may work, while others might not. Here are a few hints to help you navigate this.

Having worked for forty years installing and servicing commercial and industrial fire alarm systems in the U.S., I find this situation a bit embarrassing.

Just a week ago, I arrived in Istanbul, Turkey, prepared with a power converter to keep my computer and phone charged. Knowing that most of the world uses 220 volts, I thought using my U.S. electronics (120 volts) could be risky.

Well, guess what happened? On the first day, I overloaded my converter, and it died. There I was, trying to write a blog and stay in touch, but unable to charge my computer, phone, or camera battery. I panicked. Should I ship something from the U.S.? Buy new electronics in Europe? I was at a loss.

Thank goodness for the internet!

After some online research, I discovered that most modern electronics work with both 220 and 120 volts. Being an electrician, I checked my USB charger unit from the U.S., which clearly stated an input voltage of 100 to 240 volts.

So, I bravely plugged in my camera battery charger and waited for smoke. To my surprise, the charging light came on and stayed on. Next, I tried my phone, and it started charging too. The lesson? I wasted money on a power converter.

Understanding the Difference: Power Converter vs. Adapter

A power converter changes the voltage from one level to another. In my case, it would convert 220 volts down to 120 volts. However, those little USB plugs already do this conversion from 100 volts to 240 volts down to five volts, which is what most electronics use for charging globally. (Always check your electronics to be sure!)

In most parts of the world, you need an adapter to plug into the wall. Turkey uses a type “C” plug, with two round prongs similar to the U.S. ground plug. An adapter allows you to plug your U.S. devices into these outlets.

There are fifteen different types of plugs worldwide. U.S. plugs are type A and type B. Type A has two flat prongs, while type B has two flat prongs and a round prong.

So, as I’ve just learned, for most electronics, you don’t need a power converter; you need an adapter. I guess an old dog can learn new tricks.

Until next time, enjoy life’s journey.

Joe O’Brien

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