How To Transform Travel Nightmares Into Memorable Adventures

7-19-23 Batavia, IL. U.S.A. (Updated 5-30-24)

The Social Media Influencer’s Experience

The Journey to Amalfi Coast

For example, just last week, I read an article about a social media influencer who traveled to the Amalfi Coast in Italy. If you’ve ever seen a picture of the Amalfi Coast, you know why people want to go there. However, this influencer described the trip to the Amalfi Coast as manual labor.

Unexpected Challenges

She talked about how she had to take a train, lug her baggage onto a boat, and walk hills to get to her hotel. She said every social media influencer should be “hung” for not telling people how much effort it takes to get there.

Naivety or Reality?

It’s hard to believe anyone is this naive. But obviously, they’re out there!

Planning is Key

The Importance of Planning

If this is your idea of planning, then six months overseas is probably not for you. You have to plan and double-check everything. At least that’s what I did.

My Experience in the Balkans

For example, when I was looking at traveling through the Balkans for six weeks by bus, I had to make sure I could use local transportation to get from city to city. I discovered that, shortly after the tourist season, the buses stopped commuting to and from certain areas.

Potential Pitfalls

So it is possible to travel to a city and get stuck there. Or worse, can you imagine traveling a thousand miles to find you have to turn around and go back? Especially when you already have reservations a few hundred miles away. This almost happened to me.

Practical Tips

Check Travel Options Before Booking

One simple tip: Before booking a hotel room, check into travel to and from your destination. It will save you hassles and aggravation later.

Cover Your Bases

It would be impossible for me to tell you everything you need to look at when you plan your trip, but you have to cover your bases. Remember the saying, “Not having a plan is planning to fail.”


Till next time, enjoy life’s journ

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